Dirtbag Baseball Podcast Interview with Jason Colleran



GUEST: Jason Colleran

Kirk is talking with Jason Colleran, who is the inventor of The Kinetic Arm training aid product and Elite Edge Fitness out of Atlanta, Georgia. Jason shares his story behind why he created The Kinetic Arm, what range of players can use it and what's coming in the next month in this segment. Jason and Kirk will be do an ongoing series of educational videos over the next several weeks on The Kinetic Arm, understanding your overall body and how it needs to work, stretching, warmups, the absolute importance of figuring out who deserves to be in your trusted network of coaches, trainers, etc.

You can find out more about Jason and The Kinetic Arm at thekineticarm.com, @kineticarm on Facebook and Instagram.

Please contact Kirk at kirk@dirtbagbaseballnation.com with any questions you would like Jason and I too talk about on an upcoming episode or if you would like to be a guest here on Dirtbag Baseball Talk.

Learn More on How the Kinetic Arm Works

Shop Kinetic Arm Products: Visit Shop Page

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